Faith In Everyday Life is now available to purchase in Nomads shop, Cambridge!!! As well as still being available on Amazon and Kindle
Only now as we slowly move towards the gradual opening up of the world, away from living a 'locked down' life will we be able to feel the full extent of what we have been living through.
After a year and a quarter of living a restricted life, we are now able to go out and socialise and yet for many, this lessening of restriction is bringing enough sense of safety for feelings about our experience to be truly felt. Many are feeling anxiety as we re-adjust as well as deep sadness as we reflect on a global catastrophe. If you are experiencing difficult feelings about going back out into the world or unexpected sadness. This is normal! Be kind to yourself and give yourself gentle reassurance as you take small steps. Don't be afraid to share it - others will be feeling the same! By sharing, we will also be able to gently encourage others too. Many of us question ourselves when life brings challenges that impact on the way we feel. I have heard many people criticise themselves for feeling emotions that they perceive to be ‘bad’ or ‘negative.’
This is then followed by a common question which is ‘how can I possibly be spiritual and feel like this?!’ This criticism and questioning heightens our sense of separateness and isolation and we experience sadness as ultimately it takes us away from the sense of expansiveness and connection that spiritual awareness brings. This limits our capacity to live life to the full, away from truly being all that we are and takes us away from the very thing we are searching for spiritually.. unity. Grace is the key to sustaining our sense of connection, of maintaining the experience of our Light within. Grace is a surrendering and acceptance with Love that what has been brought to us in life is for our own spiritual growth. NOT something to take us away from who we are but something that, if embraced will give us more awareness, more unfoldment, more heart opening. So the next time you find yourself berating yourself for experiencing difficult feelings, practice being graceful, try doing this by not identifying with the feeling, recognise it is not YOU! Practice humbly accepting what has been brought for you to grow, rather than using it to keep yourself small. Respond with Love and Grace will follow… When we are in thought, we are also creating a sense of isolation as we are in there on our own! This is why it can literally feel like the walls are closing in.
Taking your senses outside, listening, feeling, smelling, as well as seeing, can really change your experience to one of calm, joy, connectedness and mostly ALIVENESS! Being PRESENT is what feels ALIVE and the way to truly experience wholeness. Do something for yourself each day. Venture outside! Many people are looking for their purpose, it is possible to spend years looking outside of yourself to find it when the answer is within the whole time if you learn to start listening to your heart and the Light within...
We are all Light in a physical body. Notice where do you feel your Light?
Now practice focusing your attention there. Breathe in, breathe out, let it speak to you. Listen beyond the words... The word 'lockdown' carries many negative and repressive connotations both psychologically and energetically.
Our terminology directly impacts on our wellbeing!! Use 'freedom to stay at home' instead.. The uncertainty of our external world is showing the importance of being able to look within to find your own sense of grounding and stability. Many people search outside of themselves for this which inevitably brings the opposite, uncertainty and anxiety. Your true strength and your Light are within you. Now is the time to Trust yourself. As many clients I work with will have experienced, I often throw certain words that have huge negative connotations out of the window.
One word that is thrown out often is 'failure.' Lets imagine that this word does not exist. How would it be to imagine instead that we simply have a range of different experiences with different outcomes? What a relief! Practicing this way of viewing life experience allows us to let go of our conditioned ways of thinking and feelings such as shame, guilt and fear and moves us towards inner freedom.. |
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